Localizing Olympic in JCI Way

Bodily exercise profits little, Bible says. The little is what we will be doing at the JCI Olympic on Saturday. Where JCI chapters will be slugging it out with each other on all types of games at the Ibadan Recreation Club.

Leave it for the best, the Victoria Island Chapter of JCI where I belong has been in Camp training to keep fit and to ensure that we claim all the medals of the tournament.

We have a formidable and tactical team of players who trade their games in major and best football clubs of the world. Our team of technical crew are trained by FIFA in Zurich.

We will flagging off in Manchester City jersey, thank God it is not Arsenal. Pep Guardiola will be around to give us his utmost support.

Technically, we are good; tactically, we have a formidable team, so any chapter drawn with us will be walloped and beaten like the Arsenal FC

We will first intimidate our opponent in the first half, and knock them out in the second half. The hands can't hit what the eyes can't see so we float like a butterfly and sting like a bee.

Let him that has ear hear what the church of Victoria Island Chapter of JCI is saying.
